World Innovation Summit for Health "WISH" 2013
Doha, 10 December 2013
Peace be upon you.
Ladies and Gentleman,
We welcome you to Doha and value your attendance in participating in the World Innovation Summit for Health. This conference is the outcome of efforts aligned with an integrated development plan. We launched the World Innovation Summit for Education in 2009, and the Annual Research Conference in 2010. Today, we convene at WISH, which constitutes the third pillar in the triad: Education, health and scientific research. A trio, of which the components are inseparable, just as the common goals and vision indivisible, and —at the core— innovation is a critical factor in devising solutions to face various challenges.
As I’m sure you know, innovation is embodied in our way of thinking; it is the mechanism by which we solve problems and the way in which we place policies and programs. Of course, this is in addition to, the development of technology. Innovation is not only about finding better treatments, rather it can produce methods to reduce the need for those treatments, one method being, instilling health education among citizens and encouraging them to engage in healthy behavior and activities.
I am confident that this conference is a platform that is far-reaching and more stimulating in innovating appropriate solutions to control the pressing health challenges of today, some of which form the research themes of discussion in the conference sessions.
Such challenges inspire us all with a spirit of moral, intellectual and practical partnership in using innovation as a means of creating solutions. When we succeed in achieving progress in healthcare, we succeed in preserving the future and future generations.
Ladies and gentleman,
The most pressing social and developmental issues of the world are the education and health issues, which in turn can shape other issues. The severity of which differ dependent on the development of the country itself.
During this conference, we aim to provide the ideal environment for intellectual interchange of ideas and to benefit from our shared experiences in the search for comprehensive, pioneering solutions that cover the necessities of each specialty.
The sessions of the conference address a number of subjects that deal with a number of health challenges. In Qatar we also adopted this approach. When we strived to build our all-inclusive culture of health, we transformed our health centers into research and academic centers, which incorporate hands on experience.
As a result of the integration of scientific research and the clinical realities, I am pleased to announce the project “Qatar Genome,” a project that consists of a road map for future treatment of personalized medicine.
Ladies and gentleman,
We hope that this conference can be a catalyst for innovation and an environment in which innovators can flourish in the world of health.
We thank you for your attendance and your participation in working with the World Innovation Summit for Health. We wish you success in all your endeavors.
Peace be upon you.